Military - Vehicle Services

Make sure your vehicle is taken care of while you're deployed. With our military deployment services, ship your vehicle overseas or drop collision insurance while it’s in storage.
Security Service Volunteer Corp

Lower Your Vehicle Insurance1

During deployment, you may be able to lower insurance costs by storing your vehicle(s) and temporarily dropping collision coverage. To do so, you must maintain comprehensive insurance with a maximum $1,000 deductible and complete the   Comprehensive Only Insurance form.

Take Your Vehicle with You!2

If you're called to duty overseas and you’ve financed your vehicle with Security Service, you may be able to ship it overseas. The authorization process is simple:

Request a Permission to Ship Request correspondence on SSFCU letterhead to ship your vehicle overseas. (Military members only.)

Let Us Help You!
Visit a location near you, or call our dedicated military line at 1.866.809.6332.


At a Glance:

Military Member Benefits

Dedicated Military Line


Call our dedicated military line and reach a live person.

Expedited Direct Deposit

Receive your military LES direct deposit 1-3 days before its set posting date.

Mobile Banking

Manage accounts, pay bills, and deposit checks from your mobile device.

Free ATMs

Access nearly 30,000 free ATMs across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico City.

Shared Branching

Conduct business at more than 5,000 nationwide credit union locations.


  1. This service is provided to our military members only.
  2. The following conditions must be met:
    • Your auto loan must be current.
    • The first payment must be completed on your vehicle loan.
    • Any other loan, line of credit or credit card must be current.
    • Accounts must have a positive balance.
    • Vehicle must be insured.
    • You must have military orders.
    • Any other Security Service loan, line of credit, or credit card must be current. Security Service accounts must have a positive balance.