Security Service Basic Savings Account

Build savings for a new vehicle, unexpected expenses, and more while earning some of the best savings account rates in Texas, Colorado, or Utah.



Basic Savings Account Features

  • One of the savings accounts required for membership with Security Service Federal Credit Union3
  • $5 deposit required to open account
  • Earn interest1 while building up savings
  • Balance in savings account can be used as overdraft protection for a checking account
  • Additional transaction fees may apply


Benefits of a Security Service Savings Account

  • Access to free online banking
  • Unlimited ATM transactions



Personal Savings Rates - Earn Interest1

Product Dividend Rate% APY% ††
Savings 0.05% 0.05%


Want to Earn Higher Interest?

If you would like to earn a higher rate of return and the ability to write checks, consider opening a Security Service Money Market2 Account.



For complete details, refer to the  Deposit Terms and  Truth in Savings.

  1. "Interest" referenced in the context of this page refers to "dividends."
  2. Money Market excess transaction fee – $10.00 per limited transaction in excess of six per calendar month. Limited transactions are non-teller or non-ATM transactions out of the account, such as check, online/phone transfers, automatic transfers, and ACH transactions.
  3. Every member must open and maintain a share account (either a Security Service Basic Savings Account or a Youth Savings Account) with a $5 balance in order to join Security Service Federal Credit Union.


† This Security Service Federal Credit Union Current Dividend Rates disclosure is incorporated as a part of and in addition to the All About Your Security Service Consumer Accounts brochure, the Security Service Truth in Savings Disclosure, and the Fee Schedule for Deposit Accounts. Please refer to these items for additional terms, conditions and limitations which may be associated with your specific account(s).

†† APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 11/9/24. The Dividend Rate and APY may change without notice at the discretion of the Security Service Federal Credit Union Board of Directors. Fees may reduce earnings on your account. Contact an employee for further information or to obtain current rate information at 1.888.415.7878.