Member Forms

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New Business Account (Texas) NewBusinessTX
Open a new business account in the state of Texas.
Business Due Diligence NewBusinessTX
Add / remove account owner(s) or open a new business account from an existing business savings account base-8.
Business Loan Application
Apply for a Security Service business loan.
Personal Financial Statement
Balance accounts with the personal financial statement.
Reorder Business Checks
To reorder business checks please call 1.800.503.2345.
Required Documents for Colorado
Refer to the following checklists for required documents to open a Business Account in Colorado.
Required Documents for Texas
Refer to the following checklists for required documents to open a Business Account in Texas.
Required Documents for Utah
Refer to the following checklists for required documents to open a Business Account in Utah.
Resolution of Authority (Deposit Accounts) ResolutionOfAuthority
Authorize business transactions.
Account and Routing Number
Request an Account and Routing Number correspondence on SSFCU letterhead.
Loan Payoff Request
Loan Payoff Request correspondence on SSFCU letterhead.
Permission to Drive Request
Permission to Drive Request correspondence on SSFCU letterhead to drive within Mexico or Canada (required for Canadian border when traveling to Alaska).
Pay-on-Death Beneficiaries
Update Pay-on-Death Beneficiaries for your existing accounts.
Account Action Form
Manage code word associated with your accounts.
Direct Deposit Request
Request to set up direct deposit. Print, fill out, and provide to your payroll office.
  • Download PDF, fill out, and provide to your payroll office
Deposit/Withdrawal Slip
Print your transaction slip for withdrawals and deposits ahead of time.
Add a Joint Owner AddJoint add joint owner joint account
Add a joint owner to a personal account. Joint owner must be added to all accounts that match the account structure.
Remove a Joint Owner RemoveJoint remove joint owner joint account
Remove joint account owners from an account. Joint owner must be removed from all accounts that match the account structure. You will need a copy of valid driver's license/state ID and Joint account owner signature.
Name Change Request
Change the account holder display name. Updated ID is required.
Survivor Assistance Guide
A guide to help you through the account settlement process.
ACH Stop Payment Request ACHStopPaymentRq
Request a stop payment on ACH transactions for your personal or business accounts.
Declaration of Loss Mailed Official Checks
Stop payment for Official check lost in mail from Security Service.
Declaration of Loss Official Checks
Stop payment for Official check originally in possession of member.
Release ACH Stop Payment Request
Remove stop payment and restore ACH transaction.
Release Stop Payment Request
Remove stop payment on specific check.
Stop Payment Order
Place a stop payment on a specific check or a range of checks.
Authorization for ACH Credit
Direct deposit for certificate interest to another financial institution.
Share Certificate Maintenance Request
Request maintenance on an existing Traditional Share Certificate.
Traditional IRA Application
Traditional IRA Withdrawal Authorization
IRA Beneficiary Designation
IRA Asset Request Instructions
Use this form to move IRA funds to SSFCU
Traditional IRA Contribution and Investment Selection
Traditional IRA RMD Payment Election
Roth IRA Application
Use this form to move IRA funds to SSFCU.
IRA Direct Conversion Request
Roth IRA Withdrawal Authorization
Roth IRA Contribution and Investment Selection form
Coverdell ESA Application CESA
CESA Direct Transfer Instructions
Coverdell ESA Withdrawal Authorization CESA
CESA Contribution and Investment Selection
CESA Death Beneficiary Designation
Auto Debit Cancellation
Cancel automated transfers between internal Security Service accounts only.
Auto Debit Request
Set up or modify an auto debit transfer between internal Security Service accounts.
ACH Loan Payment Authorization: SSFCU Loan
Set up and cancel ACH payments from external accounts on your Security Service loan.
Loan Extension Agreement
Request a loan extension.
Payment Due Date Agreement
Request to change loan payment due date.
Mortgage Payment Authorization
Pay your mortgage loan via ACH. Follow instructions in document.
  • Download and follow instructions in document
ACH Payment Authorization: Security Service Credit Card
Set up ACH payments on your Security Service credit card.
Debit/Credit Card Dispute
Report a Non Fraud dispute on an authorized debit or credit card transaction. To report fraudulent activity please contact 1.888.415.7878.
Credit Card Authorized User Request Form
Add an authorized user to your credit card.
Unauthorized PIN Transactions
Complete this form to dispute unauthorized pinned ATM/Debit Card transactions.
Negotiable Instruments & Monetary Transactions Dispute NegotiableInstrumentsDispute
Dispute an unauthorized check transaction.
Unauthorized ACH Debit Dispute
Dispute an unauthorized ACH item.
Credit Report Dispute and Investigation Form
Dispute items reported to Credit Bureau with supporting documents.
Comprehensive Only Insurance Form for Deployed Military Members
You may be able to lower insurance costs by storing your vehicle(s) and temporarily dropping collision coverage while deployed. To do so, you must maintain comprehensive insurance with a maximum $1,000 deductible.
Emergency Deployment Loan Application
Our deployment loan of up to $2,500 is available to help active duty members and reservist members called to active duty, as well as their dependents, when they are impacted by deployment.
Request for Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Benefits
Under the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA), Security Service members who become active duty military can have the rate on their existing loans at Security Service reduced to 6.00% APR. Visit Operation Salute the Strong for more information.
Permission to Ship Form
If you're called to duty overseas and you’ve financed your vehicle with Security Service, you might be able to ship it overseas. Visit Operation Salute the Strong for more information.
SCRA Waiver
Active duty automobile voluntary surrender form.
Political Action Group Contribution Form
The Security Service Federal Credit Union Political Action Committee (SSFCUPAC) was formed to provide Security Service with a voice in the political arena to influence issues that directly impact the financial industry.
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